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Autor Wiadomość

2018-11-19 08:04:03

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Walk around the area of Kethsi checking the output as you go along until it matches to your quest journal. Once you’ve found the location, use yourOpen the door with the key, head inside, and search the south bookshelves for a book and the southeast corner for a scroll. Reading the scroll will unlock a new lunar spell: Tune Bane Ore.
Items Acquired During Quest:Before you begin the quest, take out the following items: 3 papyrus, a ball of wool, a sack of 10 potatoes, unlit candle, red and yellow dyes, tinderbox, bowl and the empty sacks (18 items total). This will save you two trips to the bank. Wearing an Amulet of Glory(4) is strongly recommended.
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You should sign your comments by adding to the end of your message. Please remain on topic. Though there are very few rules governing what can be said here, civil discussion and polite sparring make our comments pages a fun and friendly place. In case you forgot to bring a pickaxe andNow, talk to and he will tell you to lead the way.
Well what kind of overhaul are you doing? Im talking about taking away many of the large articles, such as 'RuneScape runes' and replacing with RuneScape combat, RuneScape interface, etc. Earlier, we had a number of users creating separate articles for each quest, location, etc and a number of those were either deleted or made into redirects. You can see some of the remnants if you look at the number of redirects in RuneScape quests, RuneScape locations, etc.

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