CSGO update: Negev, R8 Revolver Temporary return


Autor Wiadomość

2017-04-13 11:12:04

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After modifying the properties of these two weapons, Valve assess the impact of these two weapons in the game.
The price of Negev in the update was reduced to 2000, and many people were surprised by the decision. However, the V agency to explain this strange move: Negev price cuts can better promote the new weapons after the modified test.
We feel that Negev is a need to use weapons in a special situation, so the price of Negev can be reduced to a certain extent, improve the player’s interest in the purchase of this weapon."

The following is updated information:
Added holiday specially good effect.
[gaming experience]
During the test period, Negev and R8 will be a brief return to official match match.
R8 revolver: price drop.
Negev: price decline to facilitate further testing of the modified weapon.
[sound and effects]
Sound effects are modified to increase gradually with distance attenuation, replacing the previous step by step.
The adjusted HRTF sound will be closer to the sound quality of the HRTF sound.
Add the parameter snd_hrtf_distance_behind parameter (default 100), so that the HRTF sound can make the player feel like the sound generated by the actual speaker behind the display.
Fixed a bug where the player would be forced to default to the maximum when the hall was invited.
Added option for team ID.
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Viewers can watch the game through the headset.
Fixed a problem with the device that was not updated in some cases.
Fixed the drop of the weapon’s decorative sticker.
Added game state integrated output available for event organizers. [B]ксго ставки сайтксго рулетка


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