Management in the Restaurant Industry


Autor Wiadomość

2017-03-06 10:27:08

If you have Twitter followers and Facebook fans, who have enjoyed visits to your restaurant, they are very likely to be talking about you to their friends online. Social Media is the opportunity for your message to be relayed to tens of thousands of local potential customers.Put some great content onto your Facebook page and on your blog. Link the content to Twitter updates so as to attract more people to read about you. Give recipes, cooking advice and tips to your community. Post video of your food in preparation and presentation. Have a section for your customers to post their photos of themselves at your restaurant.

Every now and then make an offer, just for your Facebook fans. Be random, around once every 3 or 4 weeks encourage your customers to introduce someone new and enjoy a complimentary bottle of wine. The aim is to invite people to join you when you have spare capacity, not during your busy periods.When you send out your email newsletter (which should be regularly delivered every month) add links to your Twitter, Facebook and blog. Also have a 'share this' button, so that your customers can post your newsletter on their own Social Media sites, or email their friends. Getting your messages to go 'viral' is great for building your following. Don’t forget to ensure you have buttons to sign up to your newsletter, offers or VIP lists.


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