FIFA 17 David Villa - New Card Discussion


Autor Wiadomość

2016-12-07 08:21:39

The new David Villa card looks insane. 5* weak foot and 4* skills. If only he didn’t look like Adolf on that picture. In game stats, he even looks like slower potm card. What do you think about this card. If you need cheap fifa coins, you can visit our website and get discount code here.

As gamers said:

Hm true, guess it depends on play style. I prefer having a slower but strong passing midfield with a striker who is quick in positioning himself to receive passes and shoot rather than worry about passing himself.

I completely agree. Son was pretty good for me the first few weeks, but has been massively underperforming since. Feels really slow and can’t dribble. No it is not a placebo. It is a conspiracy by EA to force you into trying new players/create new teams/spending coins/buying FIFA points. The circle of life. It is brilliant really.

This wouldn’t work for the weekend, 3 nations max. You could just go with Italians, spaniards and the legend and be good though. Jus switch your defenders to any combo of Barzagli/chiellini/Bonucii and florenzi at RB and either Buffon or Pepe reina and you’ll be good


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