How to Control Blood Sugar Naturally


Autor Wiadomość

2016-10-21 11:17:20 to cure diabetes naturally
The first two and the most obvious additions to a treatment plan are exercise and diet. A combination of an aerobic and a strength training program will do wonders to lower stress levels, decrease belly fat and stimulate your metabolism. And as we all know (we just have trouble following it) a diet high in fiber and low in fat and bad carbohydrates is our best prevention against blood sugar issues.

But beyond that, there are herbal extracts and tinctures that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine that could greatly enhance your quality life and heal damaged cells that have been affected by dangerous sugar levels.

Gurmar, also called Gymnema Sylvestre, Cinnamon and Blueberry Leaf ae three herbs whose properties have shown great promise as a natural way to control and possibly eliminate blood sugar issues.The herb, Gurmar has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 2000 years and is an indigenous plant in the tropical forests of India. It has been used to treat diabetes, digestion and urinary tract infections, as well as obesity and hypoglycemia. Known as the “Sugar Destroyer” this herb boosts the amount of insulin your body produces, reduces excessively high blood sugar levels, and allows your body to process sugar more efficiently.

Gumar herbal tincture is unique in that it actually helps block both the taste of sugar and its absorption in the body. It has been receiving more attention, recently, because of its ability to reduce and control blood sugar levels in diabetics. Because it can reduce blood sugar levels, it can be a very good weight management tool as well.


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