A Self-Designed Workout Plan


Autor Wiadomość

2016-08-12 07:54:33


Getting a hearing test may be one of the best decisions you make for yourself. If you feel you may be struggling to hear well, you may wish to schedule an appointment with your family doctor for some basic testing. However, for a more thorough examination and real answers about what is happening, visit an audiologist instead. This will provide you with a solid answer to your question about whether or not you could be losing your ability to hear well.

Symptoms You May Have

If you have noticed changes in the way you can hear, it may be time to schedule a hearing test. Some of the symptoms are significantly noticeable, such as being unable to hear people who are speaking to you or being unable to communicate in noisy situations. Other symptoms are harder to notice. You may see someone talking to you but you may not be able to make out all of the words he or she is using. It is critical to ask your family about any symptoms you are having as well. Often times, they can tell if you are not responding or asking for information to be repeated numerous times.

What the Audiologist Will Do

The initial part of the screening will include discussing your symptoms, medical history, and work history. Your doctor will want to know what could be causing any type of loss and whether that loss is sudden or gradual. This information also lets the doctor know how well you can hear. Are you able to communicate with the doctor and answer questions? Often, the speech patterns of an individual can provide some information to the doctor as well.



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