Summer Camp Drama


Autor Wiadomość

2016-08-12 07:47:09

Plays, skits and campfire shenanigans are a huge part of what makes sleepaway summer camp so special. Theatrical productions at camp not only provide some excellent entertainment, they also introduce kids to new interests, boost self-esteem and teach a lot of important lessons on how to work as a team.

Amazing Imagination

Whether creating some crazy stage makeup, writing funny dialogue or getting into character for their role, theater encourage kids to free their imaginations, coming up with new ideas and developing their creativity. As Einstein once said, “imagination is more important than knowledge."

New Skills

Whether your youngster has already starred in the class play or is just taking that first timid step out onto the boards, camp provides a lot of excellent opportunities to hone acting, singing and even choreography skills. Many camps have seasoned theatrical professionals teaching drama classes, offering chances to learn the many facets of putting together a production. Campers not only act in plays and skits, they also write, direct, design and build sets, operate stage lighting and take charge of props.

Team Work

Putting together a play is an excellent way to learn team work. Each person has a vital part in pulling off a successful production, from the star of the show to the stage manager and the chorus. Kids learn how to listen to others, cooperate, brainstorm and respect opinions that may differ from their own while rehearsing, performing and going over feedback. Everyone has a role to play in reaching a mutually beneficial goal... in this case maybe a standing ovation! Being a good team player is a skill your child will find useful from elementary school right up to the workplace.

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