Relationship between hair follicle and hormone


Autor Wiadomość

2016-07-10 09:33:50

Once again is due to the rapid development of society, so that patients have a great psychological pressure, the rhythm of life to speed up, resulting in a greater psychological burden. So in life often see hair loss patients. Which answer to the above is the reason of hair loss <a href=“"><strong>glueless lace wigs uk</strong></a>, Beijing, Beijing skin disease hospital experts suggest that hair loss patients should be timely treatment, the disease is conducive to the treatment, you still have what doubt can be consulting our Beijing, Beijing skin disease hospital online expert, also can telephone consultation.

Relationship between hair follicle and hormone
Effects of androgen on the face, beard, chest and limbs hair and the hair is opposite, and the continuing role of vellus hair to make the <a href=“"><strong>wigshumanhair</strong></a> hair thicker and longer, black, become colored hair. Androgens continue to function in the short hair, vellus hair became colorless. The metabolic process of androgen.

Female role of estrogen in 11 at the age of 12, 13 growth of pubic hair, a 14 year old began to grow hair. Female pubic hair can be divided into v period, from young children without pubic hair to the full development of the pubic hair is very thick, it reflects the hormone levels of indicators.


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