Blade & Soul - KFM Fire Build and Wind Build


Autor Wiadomość

2016-05-02 05:06:36

There are 2 mainstream builds for KFM at the moment, divided by the type of damage they deal. This will become more important in later patches with the introduction of gear that enhances certain elemental damage types. These two builds are:

Fire Build:

-Uses Tiger Strike (2) and Searing Blow (F)
-Less dependent on ping and animation canceling
-Good AoE and HP recovery
-Plentiful options for Leading Palm and Searing Palm (X)

Wind Build:

-Uses Swift Strike (2) and Cyclone Kick (F)
-Higher single target damage
-Base rotation is easier to maintain focus with
-Cyclone Kick (F) is primary damage component with short, cancellable animation - easier to react to mechanics and use i-frames or Counters (1)

Fire Build Guide:

The gameplay mentality of Fire Build KFM when tanking bosses can be divided into roughly 5 levels. These levels are arranged in priority, which means that the first levels are more important than the ones below. Generally, if a choice exists between actions of 2 different levels, it is better to perform the one of higher level. Or, if it is necessary to cancel the animation of a move of a lower level to perform a move of a higher level, do so.

Damage Mitigation

It is usually best not to take damage, but in some cases the innate healing of the Fire Build will allow you to shrug off minor hits to squeeze out more damage. But almost all of the damage mitigation options for KFM are very beneficial in terms of damage output as well. Staying alive is key to tanking monsters successfully. As they say: “you can’t do anything if you’re dead”.


-Counter (1) should be used for most “yellow” hitboxes and basic attacks with no telegraph. Successful Counters can grant increased threat, defense, and a 1 second i-frame, as well as focus return and cause a cooldown reduction for Searing Palm.

-Iron Shoulder (F) can be used after successful counters for healing. However, the typical Iron Shoulder spec will lead to a knockback CC, which may interfere with other CC efforts.

-Shadow Dance (Q) and Footwork (E) are functionally the same move, and should be used on “red” attacks or other ones when necessary. They each provide a 1 second i-frame. Successful resists grant a variety of benefits similar to those given by Counter. Successive stacks of the Agility buff will grant movespeed and increased evasion, up to 100% evasion at 3 stacks.

-Backstep (SS) is another i-frame but should be used more sparingly as it has no major benefits for successful resists, and displaces the character from their original position. However, this displacement can be useful in certain situations.


In general, i-frame most moves that are not mitigated by Counter, and Counter the rest of them if possible. Use Iron Shoulder for HP sustain if there are no consequences for doing so (usually when the monster is resisting CC).

For more information you can visit our site, you can find BNS gold here too.


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