your head hair is combed back


Autor Wiadomość

2016-04-29 06:24:22

your head hair is combed back

Remember the distance between the two locks must be wide enough to let the side face become slim! 1 3 copies of the hair into irregular, so that we can make the complicated effect. You can put two hair into uniform, then one is divided into two parts again. The 2 of us from the ear side began to weave three plait. So your head hair is combed back, will be more realistic to wear a headband.

Has been allocated to the tail, the process, the most important is the fingers with “loose” effort, let three plait become more fluffy and uneven. We compiled to the [url=]human hair wigs uk[/url] hair tail, tied up in before the first finger to pull out braids, let the hair wider.

We will from this side of the hoop around the head. If you want to feel younger, put back a little wear hoop. Fxed on the other side, once again pull the forehead hair and hair, add fluffy feeling, more face effect!


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