Blade & Soul: KFM vs Hacking Summoner Bot


Autor Wiadomość

2016-04-23 10:18:32

So as we all know, summoner bots are running rampant and are now using hacks to climb the arena ladder. I believe that I’ve figured out a working method to beat them consistently as KFM.

Step 1. Use your natural combo (stun, 3rf etc.) to take out the cat as fast as possible. [To be fair i’m not 100% sure if this is necessary but it’s good insurance and I’ve noticed that some bots use the cat and other don’t.]

Step 2. Usually the bot only spams sunflower and hacked stealth. During this time dodge and counter (I recommend form 1 counter to keep ki maxed) the sunflower shots and wait for your cooldowns (z,v,others) to come back up from killing the cat. As you are dodging, make sure to keep your “c skill” available and pointed at the bot.

Step 3: The bot will eventually throw down, “grasping roots” (The summoner’s green aoe on the ground with thorns and plant stuff). They are vulnerable for a brief second when they cast this skill. This is when you go in spamming the “c skill” to daze and go into 3rf combo to beat the shit out of them. In the case that it doesn’t one shot or if you miss your “c skill”. Rinse and repeat from step 2. If the bot is dumb enough you can even just walk around them and they’ll fail to match your movement.

NOTE: That this not apply and will not work at all against any human summoners that hack or regular summoners.

Hope this helps and good luck against the bots. If you want to know more about Blade & Soul, welcome to our site, you can find bns gold for sale here.


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