Blade & Soul - Cash or Credit


Autor Wiadomość

2016-04-16 07:46:51

We conclude our discussion of talking Hongmoon Store, or the cash shop inside of Blade & Soul. Despite the constant blandishments by the boost to the leveling and the Hongmoon level spectrum, a kind of “loyalty program” that rewards those who regularly buy BNS gold with real money, providing constant bonus of a wide range of game features, we were able to maintain our credit card away from the game. This means that Blade & Soul may be considered a full game Free-to-Play? Yes, but with reservations. Unless you want a particular dress for your avatar, you do not want to create an additional character in addition to two permits from the basic slot, send money and objects to its own character present on the same server (for the lack of a bank linked to the account) or progress faster than the other players, you can enjoy Blade & Soul without spending a dime.

As we have already mentioned in the last article, however, the account to which they are never added NCoin (the currency into real money valid for all NCsoft products, or Lineage II, Wildstar, the US version of Aion Online) can not use the internal mail of the game to send items and money to other characters. A choice that, in theory, with the inability to use the regional chat and faction before level 11 and trade items with other players before level 16, should hinder the spread of the “gold selling plague”. Unfortunately the desired effect has not occurred, the bots and their detestable promotional messages flock to all areas of the game and there are opportunities where you can make real “bot watching”: that is admired groups of 3-4 bot ( recognizable from the names indecipherable), wearing a disciple Hongmoon based outfit and weapon based version of its class, walking along the same path, overlapping once you reach a waypoint, launching of Music against the boss of the area, with in order to collect the essences necessary to spin the “wheel of fortune local”, sold at a good price on the marketplace. Another restriction to our superfluous warning is related to objects “bind on pickup”, which are associated with the character at the very moment in which they are obtained, not when they are equipped.

Many important objects, such as weapons and items needed for the next evolution of its equipment, are subject to this restriction, and the only way to get them is to participate in that dungeon, with advancing levels become progressively more difficult to deal with in solitary depending on the character class. This means that not only have to repeat the above instances until you-dropped the object we need, but also hope that there are no other players involved and that, therefore, in the auction for the next assignment.

Welcome to our site for more information, you can find BNS gold here as well.


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