Casual Players with Blade & Soul


Autor Wiadomość

2016-03-23 06:43:11

Hi all,
So I’m what I would consider to be more of a “casual” player. I’ve been playing since about a week after the game’s release, and have only just now gotten my main character to level 45 (I leveled two alts to level 25 and 29 in the meantime, but that really doesn’t take very long). I don’t have the best computer, and I prefer to run around and enjoy the view more than combat sometimes (although I must say, the combat in this game is utterly fantastic, and I keep falling in love with my force master every time I get better at something related to it).

Anyway. Obviously, since I just got to 45 earlier today (the 21st), I’m nowhere near awakened pirate or whatever people are saying to upgrade your weapon to. I just got to true infernal. I’m only up to about Fishbelly Pub in terms of storyline quests, which I think is probably less far than I should be, but I’ve been doing a lot of PvP (mostly tag matches, but I’ve just started 1v1ing as well). That gives a lot of experience, so it boosted me quite a bit on my journey to 45.

And, of course, with finals coming up as I’m sure they are for many, there isn’t a lot of time for me to play over the next month. I’m not too worried about catching up to getting the “best” gear or whatever, as I like taking things at my own pace anyway.

With that being said, is it true that the game will get slightly better for casual players? I know right now it’s all about getting the top gear to run the top-level dailies and people are freaking out over the fact that weapon upgrades will cost more at least in the beginning due to needing all the Silverfrost stuff. I don’t think right now the game is too bad for casual players, so I don’t really understand what people mean when they say that. Or are they all full of crap and don’t know what they’re talking about?

If you have other idea, visit our site and tell me. And also you can buy bns gold at our site.


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