several large home appliance


Autor Wiadomość

2011-05-07 03:20:58

In recent years, green angels company in cultivating the brand, but making full use of their own advantages of brand starzmart and the recovery in each area county, focus on doing big network renewable resources industry scale fluctuation kongfu, multi-channel polymerization waste electrical home appliances and renewable resources. The company has more than 2000 million yuan investment JingHaiXian, xiqing district construction respectively in last dissembling processing base a processing center, and processing in last makes full use of the country’s new [url=]mini netbook[/url] MDX policy, and actively expand last recovery channel, expand recovery scale. At present, we have several large home appliance sells with tianjin reached cooperation, last recovery, dissembling, increasing sales scale in last, by 2010, where more than 19 million formule platform. In addition, the company also expand except the “four machine a brain”

May 2008, tianjin and BeiJiuZhou exchange between the circular and urban construction, and ShenHuShi cooperation memorandum signed two city develop energy-saving environmental cooperation memorandum. In this big[url=]android tablet pc[/url] background, the two sides in recycling economy, energy conservation and environmental protection, renewable industry and other areas of official and non-governmental exchange frequently, it was also in this background, green angels company ushered in the rare opportunities of development period.

April 8, 2010, green angels company and Japan TongHe ltd., Japan’s sumitomo corporation successfully signed a cooperative text, and, in the fourth grand BBS signings on comprehensive energy conservation and environmental protection. Tripartite in line with “complementary strengths, mutual benefit and reciprocity, sincere cooperation and common development” the principle, around last processing projects, common registered the “tianjin TongHe green angel peak renewable [url=]cheap ebook reader[/url] resources Co., LTD.", this symbolized green angels company in using foreign elements joint development across national borders renewable resources industry substantive step. This cooperation, “green angel”


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