Ipad tablet manufacturer is sold 2 today "injury"


Autor Wiadomość

2011-05-07 03:15:46

Black jacket and black pants, black leather shoes, white earphones... Lujiazui zhengda square apple experience shops a group starzmart of security personnel in the stand side by side, like winding stairs movie blockbusters.“Now only [url=http://www.starzmart.com/]wholesale electronics[/url] have 20 more security, tomorrow at least 300, to ensure customer safety." One of the security personnel to “the first financial daily reporters, all work already ready.

They only had a electronic product and waiting. This situation, besides apple who? This is iPad2 mainland China comprehensive before release May 5th afternoon scene. This day begins at 8 o 'clock, IT will appear native mainstream IT channels.Price has clear. IPad2 price 3688 yuan, 16G 32G 4488 yuan, for the [url=http://www.starzmart.com/Android-Tablets]android tablet[/url] 64G for 5288 yuan.“This price, sure someone will feel bad." The IT industry veteran observers YangXiaoMing said that apple’s competitors.Over the past month, the mainstream brand giant such as MOTOROLA, acer, asus, lenovo, dell, etc, all of its own tablet computer. But the price is all in 3000 yuan of above. Acer China gm YiRenSi told the reporter, and iPad2 belong to the A500, Acer Iconia generation price “very shocked." But in fact, the product’s price

“The most uncomfortable will be among brand. IPad generation, he said, has for price second generation after the reserve price space, among mainstream brands, due to a lack of scale, the price is impossible unless more low, Shouting “earn” soon.Acer a Chinese people do not agree with these views. “The [url=http://www.starzmart.com/eBook-Reader]ebook reader[/url] company’s flat Google Android 3.0 version carried, hardware interface and software applications and many other than iPad2 more competitive." He said.YangXiaoMing think though, 3.0 version specializing in research, but Google launched plate, the rhythm is too unlucky in this want to catch iPad2 out, with the help of MOTOROLA before big a push, was iPad2 beat, now flat prices and no edge, almost can conclude that the next market, iPad2 will still be dominant.


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