Juicing Health Benefits


Autor Wiadomość

2017-03-13 08:29:55


It seems that all the time these days, I am seeing advertisements for juicers. Some are endorsed by former athletes, while others are advertised on cooking shows and so forth. I have had many of my friends try juicing as a way to lose weight, and with great results. The idea is that you juice a number of vegetables and try to mix in a fruit to give it some sweetness, and then you get all of the vitamins and nutrients without having to eat all of those vegetables in one sitting. I have to admit, I’m intrigued.One of my friends who tried juicing for weight loss used to make what she called her green juice, which was basically a number of different types of greens, juiced with an apple for some sweetness. I asked her about this because quite frankly, it looked disgusting. She said that it was actually not bad at all, and more to the point, it was very nutritious. She informed me that it was bursting with vitamins and nutrients, and encouraged me to try it. I did, and I have to say that it was not that bad at all.

Another person who tried juicing for weight loss would make a morning juice that included several different types of fruit, including an apple, orange, banana, pear and then a number of different types of berries. He informed me that berries were some of the healthiest things that people could eat and were full of antioxidants. I had never heard this before, but after researching the issue, he was exactly right. I tried it and again, it was quite tasty, and I felt just phenomenal for the rest of the day.Juicing for weight loss can take all kinds of forms, and it is really up to the individual as to what they like and what tastes good to them. I personally decided to start juicing and tried a citrus drink, which included an orange, some pineapple, a grapefruit, and a lemon, and decided to see how that would be. It was pretty sour, but I did find one really good use for it. Whenever I start to feel the slightest bit sick, especially in the way of a head cold or respiratory infection related, I drink this and it almost always goes away.Our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate up to six pounds of leaves per day... So why do Americans eat green vegetables only about once or twice a week? Why are green salads so rarely seen at the dinner table and why do people avoid their veggies?



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