How To Plant Love Bombs In Her Brain


Autor Wiadomość

2016-12-22 12:22:23

Virgo Man Secrets

Being lazy with your looks comes hand in hand with being lazy in other areas in your relationship/life in general and should be a yellow flag to take action and make some improvements. For many men having an attractive, well kept women is a huge need for them and a source of pride, so if you have this type of man who loves to show you off, then don’t let yourself go, or else you will find his eyes wandering elsewhere (realistically a man’s eyes almost always wander towards pretty women, but at least you know he is satisfied with what he’s got-you!).

You put him down in front of others. There’s a fine line between teasing your man in public or in front of friends (and still you might want to tread lightly, a man’s ego can be fragile) and putting him down or making him look bad. Women love to criticize, they view is as “constructive criticism” but to a man it is hardly constructive, it is embarrassing and unnecessary!


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