Avoid Fake GPT Sites


Autor Wiadomość

2016-12-22 08:04:05

It is common knowledge among webmasters that web directory submissions are of great help for search engine optimization, the fact that you can get several of these listings allows your site to be exposed to more people who visit the directory and the search engine crawlers which visit them as well. An added benefit of directory submissions is the link equity which comes from sites with good reputation, a vote from one of these trusted sites will often count a lot more than links from similar sites.Today’s web directories tend to be quite diverse in terms of categorization, traffic and trust. Some directories will offer several categories which may apply to your site, however its is important to see what type of content distribution they are applying to the resource, some will allow their indexes to be spammed simply because the directory is ran by one person who doesn’t have the time to review and edit all categories and certain sites do have periodical reviews in order to keep all the content properly organized.


As you may know some web directories sell links, others list them for free, some include reviews and extra content on each sub category and others are simply there to collect revenues from ad space sales. In order to decide which are the best directories to submit your sites to, you need to pay attention to all of these aspects.Web directories which are exclusively dedicated to sell links might not be a good place to list your site if the listings are unfiltered, irrelevant and somewhat spammy, for instance if you visit the “business section” which is known to be a popular category for spammers to exploit, you can take a good look at the type of sites they are listing and linking to, if you see credit card sites listed next to car loans and debt consolidation sites without a proper sub-category tree this might not be the place you want your site to be listed on, this is because directories which let their indexes be constantly spammed will end up losing trust with the search engines and their votes will count less and less, some of these sites have even turned into link farms due to the lack of editorial reviews.


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