Are You in a Self-Help Rut?


Autor Wiadomość

2016-10-21 10:56:04

One reason the mindfulness meditation retreat is so effective is because it combines the instruction of proper meditation techniques with the time necessary for applying them--that is, right effort. It is like a professional athlete training for his sport. He will excel much faster if he uses proper techniques and practices diligently.

There is also another reason for the retreat’s effectiveness. It is the energy of mindfulness. Our consciousness is made up of energy, which helps us see with clarity. The amount of mindfulness energy we’re exposed to, determines how clearly we can see the true nature of reality.

The energy of mindfulness is not necessarily confined to our bodies. In fact, it surrounds us like a magnetic field. Anyone who is near us, or aware of our presence, can feel its effects. So, when several people are meditating together, a synergy takes place where all participants are exposed to the ocean of spiritual nourishment that helps everyone grow. Buddhist monks and nuns know this, and it’s why they progress so quickly.


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