The Best Diet For Diverticulitis


Autor Wiadomość

2016-08-18 11:52:56

Depending on what type of diverticulitis one is diagnosed with, it is important to make certain changes to one’s lifestyle especially with the food that one eats. Modifying the food that one consumes will not only help relieve the symptoms but can also prevent the condition and help the body heal itself. Doctors usually recommend a diet that is rich in fiber to help the patient and reduce the pressure that the colon is experiencing.

Liquid Diet. Liquid diet is often recommended for people with mild symptoms of diverticulitis. A liquid diet often includes intake of water, broth or fruit juices. A liquid diet can help the colon heal itself as it lessens the pressure in the digestive tract. Once the symptoms lessen, the physician would gradually add solid food to the diet.

Low fiber food is slowly introduced to the diet such as meat, eggs, poultry, and bread is added and then this will progress to foods that are fiber rich. Fiber rich foods would include beans, whole grains, vegetables and fresh fruits. Physicians may also include fiber supplements to help patients add fiber to their diet.

These are just some of the foods that one should avoid and add to their diet. It is however still best to consult your physician concerning the best diet for you.



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