Reasons to Want to Become Taller


Autor Wiadomość

2016-08-18 10:39:54

While one may be satisfied with their height, there are still many advantages to be had in growing taller than one currently is. For people who are not satisfied with their height, being able to become taller is a luxury that will help enrich their lives and provide many opportunities.
This is pretty self explanatory. The taller you are the easier sports will be for you. If you are over six feet tall, then you have long legs that stretch farther than someone who is only five feet tall. That means when you are running track you will have to exert less energy because you do not have to take as many steps as people who are shorter than you. When it comes to sports, any advantage that you can have is better, and who wouldn’t want to exploit them?

It is a proven fact that women prefer men who are taller than them. The greater the difference in height, the better. That’s because they can go out and buy boots that make them look taller without being as tall as you. Men enjoy taller women too because they find long legs sexy. No matter what your gender is, being tall makes you sexier, and provides an advantage when it comes to attracting the opposite sex.
Taller people can be more useful than their shorter counterparts. Trying to reach something in a hard place? If you were six feet and two inches you wouldn’t need help. Likewise if you are the taller person then people will ask you for help when they need to reach something. Additionally when going out to bars and concerts to meet friends, they will have no problems finding you because you will stick out above the crowd. Not only will you be able to be spotted easily in a crowd, you will also have no problems seeing over one and seeing the main act performing up on the stage.


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