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Autor Wiadomość

2016-08-11 05:39:55

Shifter (Shifter): they do not think what kind of fixed form is their own. In fact , they would choose for themselves the most favorable shape at different times. Shifter through physical transformations closer to true self. Weapon Master (Weapon Master): for a weapons master, the perfect present in a melee weapon to being proficient. They will pursue a lifelong favorite weapons and their fighting skills clever blend realm. Weapon Master can be used in combat without thinking of such weapons, their use as a natural limb, to the heart of one sword Transformation. Purple Dragon Knight (Purple Dragon Knight) famous Cormier Zi Corps Phelan widely revered, they are well-trained, highly skilled soldiers loyal. Their honor to some extent be attributed to their leader Zi heroic knight. Purple Dragon Knight unmatched ability to work together and command soldiers. Zi became Knight, the vast majority of fighters, rangers, or holy warriors, but there are very few bards, priests and rogues. Camp divided into three major categories: Lawful (representing good), neutral, confusion (on behalf of evil). In these three broad categories, each category further subdivided into three different levels, they are good, neutral and evil. Camp settings affect the professional relationship and acquire different skills, such as BGⅡ, the holy warriors can only be lawful good of humanity, but a change in the game made a camp behavior, holy warriors vocational special skills will You will lose. And again obtained, the need to make up for the long journey. Consider the following specific description. Such people believe that a strong, orderly government can make the most of people’s life satisfaction Game “Neverwinter Nights” beautiful wallpaperImprove the quality of life so that the people must obey the law.


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