Blade & Soul - End Up Tanking Dungeons


Autor Wiadomość

2016-05-21 04:22:44

I’m mostly speaking from a FM perspective. With the upgrade event allowing me to finally upgrade my weapon (yet still somehow seem to fall behind all the F8 elitists), I’m reaching the point that I end up tanking dungeons like Yeti or Asura, even when I have my no threat skills specced.

Before you start complaining at how I’m bad, I have True Breeze weapon (555 AP), all True Oathbreaker accessories except for necklace (Awk Oath) and bracelet (Asura) (55 crit, 225 crit damage, 120 accuracy), and 5 Asura 3 Yeti (53k health, I miss my 65k with lab though). So I’m pretty geared for the most part, although I have the issue of being between casual and hardcore, aka I get money slowly but steadily, and as soon as I get enough money to upgrade my gear, the average gear level rises, so I always end up behind. But that’s another story.

Now I can do this tanking job just fine if I’m running my tank set (3 Lab 5 Scorpio) and I’m running in 6 man mode (because I can see exactly where I need to dodge and dragonblood helps cover for some errors), but tanking in 4 man is plain impossible and unbelievably frustrating. The mobs and bosses in Silverfrost (Sogun’s Lament, especially) hit WAY too hard for me to tank on only 1 life without blocks or counters. Yeti jumps on me over and over again. Ken and Gen throw their stupid crap at me and I can’t spin out of it like I do with my BD. Volcano and Glacier chase me down, doing 20k damage per charge, and there is nowhere to run. I have to run like a madman to not get hacked to death by Scorpion Queen. Like...the moment I get aggro in any high level purple dungeon I either lose over half of my health or just straight up die.

Even worse is when the party members expect you to do everything perfectly, like dealing optimal damage while tanking at the same time (hint hint: it doesn’t work like that) and the moment I get hit by anything or die it’s my fault. It’s like they expect me to be able to tank all the boss’s attacks. It’s so frustrating having to deal with people like this.

It doesn’t help that FM is the class with arguably the least mobility and damage prevention (Warlocks have block, Summoners have cat heal, all melees have a spammable block or counter...FM only has Q/E/SS with longer CD than melees, tab with long CD, and veil which doesn’t block melee; on top of that they have no gap closer). FM clearly is designed for long-range carry DPS, as they have 2 major skills that generate no threat and few ways to block attacks.

Like using another analogy, you don’t expect an AD carry to tank, do you? That’s just straight up stupid.

It has come to the point that I refuse to run 4 man unless there is at least 1 person with significantly higher AP than me who can acquire and keep aggro against any boss. What the actual fuck am I supposed to do when the party sucks and I get aggro, aside from hit tab/sheath and pray that someone else takes it off me (only to inevitably get it back again 80% of the time)?

For more information you can go to our site, you can find BNS gold here as well.


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