Release Blade & Soul in Russia was Postponed Due to A Bug


Autor Wiadomość

2016-05-16 04:47:34

Buyers sets the Guru and Master already in full play in the Russian version of Blade & Soul in the framework of early access, but after about 8 hours with the opening of the servers become aware of a critical error.

Localization - a company of Innova - said that to eliminate the bug decided to lose the whole game process. It was possible only to save characters created with the specified nickname. Of course, a simple “sorry” for gamers who paid money is not enough, so the owners of sets of Guru and Master receive some bonuses.

They enroll another 10 days premium status, 200 coins Way Honau, one corundum luck master and opal heaven luck, and until 19 May will drop the price on the skins to store up to 100 coins. Bonuses will receive a collection of students and owners - one opal and corundum fortune heaven luck wizard.

For these servers discovery postponed for one day (and therefore credited bonuses) - on 16 May. Anyone else waiting for the free access will also be able to start playing later than planned. But they can buy one of the sets, which resumed sales of 18 May, which gives the right of early access.

Exit release version f2p MMORPG Blade & Soul is scheduled for May 19, 2016.

For more information you can visit our site, you can find bns gold for sale here too.


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