Blade & Soul - Cleave vs Eradicate for Destroyer


Autor Wiadomość

2016-04-19 08:20:32

My main is destroyer, 50 HM 5.

My advice. I think you ought to pick your own build and see what you like the best. You have access to both skills, just try both them out and see what works for you. By the way, if you need BNS gold, just click.

10% heal
Can weave cleave with wrath
Can weave cleave with judgement for sustain dps

Requires stable ping
Single target
Requires target (but you won’t accidentally waste focus if the target is dead)
Short range

Not ping dependent
Can hit invisible targets (but you tend to waste focus when spamming RMB on dead targets)
Long range

Short burst/no sustain dps
No heal

For future patch, we will get to choose an elemental damage we want to enhance. Eradicate is shadow, vs cleave which is earth. You need to make a real decision by then.

DPS wise, eradicate might seem like higher damage, but if you can ani-cancel fast enough, you can do more dps with cleave and for a longer period of time. You can alleviate you focus issue if you get HM skill Galeforce. It would make Eradicate more viable as you can sustain your dps even longer. (Same thing with mighty cleave, if you get this, you should be able to cleave indefinitely with no focus issue)

As you see, there’s pros and cons on both sides. Just go with what you like. I personally use cleave. I’ve seen some destroyers around my area using eradicate. I don’t scoff at them or mock them, I don’t think many ppl would. So use what you want, be it optimal or not, it’s all about having fun. If you need cheap bns gold, welcome to our site.


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