The Division - Crafting Guide and Tips


Autor Wiadomość

2016-04-12 10:03:45

This guide will help players to understand the crafting in The Division. This includes the role that Blueprints play, as well as how you can obtain the materials needed to craft the items you desire. If you need The Division Dz Power leveling, just click.

Where To Find Your First Crafting Station
When you’re in the Base of Operations, you’ll have access to a Base Restoration panel. Go through the small tunnel and you’ll get into the main area, where you can find your first Crafting Station to the left. This is where you’ll spend a good portion of time building what you want to work on.

Breaking Down the Crafting Categories
Cosmetic items don’t apply when it comes to building something, but there are a lot of other options to choose from, with many items available through scavenging, as well as microtransactions for those who don’t want to wait.

This is a list of what you can put together on your crafting table, depending on what you need:

Gear Mods
Weapon Mods
Knee Pads
Body Armor
Material Conversion
Obviously, you’ll want to build what you’re in the mood for. Weapons are easily at the top of the list, while kneepads can wait a little while – unless you’re really eager to show off some handmade kneepads. If that’s the case, knock yourself out!

Building From Blueprints
Looking for Blueprints is helpful, as you’ll have a better guideline when it comes to creating particular items. You can usually find them throughout the game world by looking at your map, and seeing what’s available through both missions and side missions.

These can vary, from opening a chest in an abandoned building to earning a reward for completing said missions. From there, all you need to do is go back to the crafting station, open it up and see what materials are necessary when it comes to building a particular item.

The Right Materials for the Job
Blueprints are nice, but you need the proper materials to build items in The Division. These will be listed with each blueprint you pick up, ranging from Weapon Parts (for weapons) to Fabric (for armor).

These usually break down into five categories, depending on the item:

Weapon Parts
Division Tech
You’ll be able to find a majority of these items by looting through the world, as well as dismantling any gear you won’t be using. For instance, if you have three of the same gun type, you don’t need the other two, so you can take them apart.

Rare items can also be found in the world, usually highlighted in green (standard) and blue (specialized). The blue material parts are best when it comes to weapons, so make sure you pick up the right color with what’s associated with the gun you want to build. You can also use the conversion option if you prefer, by going down to the Blueprints menu at the bottom and getting the listing to trade a few green ones for a blue one. This is helpful if you want to work on creating higher-end gear, but without needing to run around and loot for blue materials.

Cash isn’t needed when it comes to building, as materials and parts can usually be found in the world. This will let you save up for other stuff you’ll buy from vendors, including weapons and gear that you aren’t building.


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