Class Specific Matchups in Blade & Soul


Autor Wiadomość

2016-04-02 07:18:18

After searching on the internet, I find some tips of class specific matchups. I will share this to you. If you need cheap bns gold, just click.

Blade Master: These are one of our few favored matchups, imo. Basically just don’t attack into the block, remember to use Imprison effectively, and using Leech will cancel their Block AND make it unavailable for 6 seconds. Basically force them to play defensively, Brand them, get your Thrall and set up the Leech Time Warp Combo and go to town on the CC and Wingstorms.

Kung Fu Master: I don’t have a huge issue with them, try and save your 2 for their V(Giant stomp thing) if you can, be very careful of your Thrall positioning, and try and get a Leech off while they block. Their iFrames are a huge problem, so I usually only try to Leech when they’re knocked down or snared and away from me.

Destroyer: The only other matchup we have that I don’t feel like it’s an uphill battle! Imprison(3) breaks their shield. Use it effectively. Other than that keep your distance, once you’ve blown their Tab it’s pretty much over if you can Leech + Time Warp. A lot of Destroyers will save their Shield for your Time Warp, don’t be afraid to miss a Wingstorm cast to Imprison, as getting their shield off is priority #1. Without their self-heals Destroyers are nothing.

Force Master: Honestly? Idk. I might as well AFK for this matchup. I’ve won against a few by just going ham out of the gate and trying to combo them down, but it’s not a very good strategy. Use your Thrall to body block in this matchup especially, but a lot of the time they will just kill it and then kill you, good luck!

Assassin: Get good at predicting their movements in stealth! If you can Wingstorm them out of stealth and follow it up with some CC it’s over. Be very careful of your Thrall attacking into their Decoy(2) ability. Basically just take the game slow here, you’ll eventually prevail. If you see an opening to Time Warp and Leech go for it because one combo and they’re dead.

Summoner: Depending on how they are with their Cat you can either forget it or kill it. If it’s being a bother get the summoner to use the Cat’s Defensive and then Leech + Time Warp the Cat once it’s over and try and get the Summoner in on some damage. Without the Cat up you’ll beat the Summoner every time. Also be careful of your Thrall attacking into their Dandelion(4) because they’ll stealth after.

Blade Dancer: I don’t understand how the class works, but if you can burn their resists and then their Tab it’s over once you knock them down and get off the Leech combo. Much easier said than done because I have no idea where they get the resists from, but they happen.

Warlock: Make them blow their C and Z first, then use yours and ignore all their stuff while you Leech + Time Warp their ass.

For more information you can visit our site. And you can buy bns gold here as well.


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