Europe's number one consumer electronics retailer


Autor Wiadomość

2011-05-06 11:47:41

Europe’s largest consumer electronics retailer Wonder City Electric (Media Markt), through the implementation of Oracle Retail (Oracle Retail) business management software suite to support [url=]wholesale electronics supplier[/url] business development in China. Wind City, the parent company Media-Saturn Group and Foxconn cooperation in China opened the world’s second largest city of electrical stores Wande, the stores over 9500 square meters, will sell 45,000 kinds of consumer electronics products.

By actively promoting the development strategy in China, Man City may want to create a single, flexible retail platform to manage multiple projects and areas of core business processes, and other platforms with the company to integrate, to provide for the planned expansion scalability to achieve rapid growth. Oracle Retail management software has advanced the first two million in Shanghai was the city electrical stores in October 2010, respectively, and the [url=]android tablet pc[/url] February 2011 opening, while the full support Circuit City’s merchandising, supply chain, stores and distribution center operations. To support the business model in China, Wonder City Electric chose Oracle Retail management software, because the software is widely used in the Asia Pacific region, with reliable function and successful experience can be deployed quickly, is cost-effective core retail platform. Wind City is now implementing Oracle electrical retail store inventory management (Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management), Oracle Retail Business Planning System (Oracle Retail Merchandising System), Oracle Retail Price Management (Oracle Retail Price Management), Oracle Retail Invoice verification (Oracle Retail Invoice Matching), Oracle Retail Sales Audit (Oracle Retail Sales Audit) and Oracle Retail Data Warehouse.

Over the past 12 months, because the project needs to be targeted according to the Chinese market adjustment, for a spirit of collaboration, distributed around the team through the use of [url=]cheap ebook reader[/url] flexible “SCRUM” project management successfully completed the implementation of the project. This integrated management software to manage, store operations, inventory and supply chain team to provide comprehensive monitoring, in order to promote awareness of the need for sales help optimize product supply and pricing strategies to maximize the fierce competition and the complex Chinese market win sales opportunities.


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