Ema. Chce zrobic mapke do gry Tremulous. Wczesniej robilem juz do CS'a w VHE. Stycznosc z radiantem kiedys mialem, ale bardzo dawno temu [ jak byl boom na WarSow ]. Czy wystarczy tylko zainstalowac najnowsza ver. radianta ? Czy trzeba jeszcze cos doinstalowac ?
Gtkradiant to tylko edytor wiec bedzie dzialal napewo. Wazne jest czy masz narzedzia
kompilujace .map do .bsp w formacie tego całego tremuluosa [ nawet nie znam giery ].
Chyba, ze giera kozysta z formatu bezposrednio uzytego w Qx. Wtedy starczy zwykly
zestaw kompilatorow z radianta.
[url=http://tremulous.net/]Tremulous[/url]- dobra i darmowa gierka na silniku Q3. W klimacie Marines Vs Obcy. W grze liczy się dobry TP.
[url=http://tremmapping.pbwiki.com/]Klik[/url] - wszystko co potrzeba do robienia mapek dla Tremulous.
Ehe nie moge przebrnąć przez konfiguracje. Jedziemy od poczatku:
Getting GtkRadiant
GtkRadiant 1.5.0 is still under developement. The latest nightly build is available for download here.
Ok sciągnełem GtkRadiant'a
Installing the editor
Open the installer package and follow the instructions. You may install GtkRadiant anywhere you choose. Select Custom from the Setup Type menu and disable every game you do not wish GtkRadiant to support (including Quake III Arena). Continue until installation completes.
Ok zainstalowałem
Setting up the editor
For the purposes of this guide we will assume that you have installed Tremulous to a directory named Tremulous/ (Example: c:/Program Files/Tremulous/) and that you have installed GtkRadiant 1.5 to a directory named GtkRadiant-1.5/ (Example: c:/Program Files/GtkRadiant-1.5/).
Ok to też łapie
The ".game" file
The .game file allows GtkRadiant to include Tremulous in its game list. This file belongs in your GtkRadiant-1.5/games directory. Create this directory if it does not already exist. Inside this directory create a text document named trem.game. The contents of this file should be as follows:
bla bla bla
An example file can be downloaded here.
If after all this Tremulous does not show up in the dropdown list check if the .game file hasn't been saved as trem.game.txt due to hidden extensions.
Showing hidden extensions is done by going to Start Menu> Settings> Control Panels> Folder Options.
Select the view tab and check "show hidden files and folders" while unchecking "hide file extensions for known file types". Click OK and check the trem.game file.
OK scianglem plik trem.game i wrzucilem do folderu GtkRadiant-1.4\games
The ".game" directory
GtkRadiant 1.5 will look for files in a directory with the same name as your .game file. In this case it will be looking in GtkRadiant-1.5/trem.game/. Create this directory. The files that GtkRadiant looks for in this directory can be downloaded in a zip file here.
This zip file contains:
* game.xlink: Links to mapping related documentation.
* default_build_menu.xml: Default compile strings for GtkRadiant's Build menu.
* entities.def: Entity definition file with all the tremulous specific entities.
* default_shaderlist.txt: Lists all the shaders to be loaded by the editor and q3map2.
Extract this archive to GtkRadiant-1.5/.
If everything is in the right place you should find game.xlink and default_build_menu.xml in GtkRadiant-1.5/trem.game/ while entities.def' and default_shaderlist.txt should be in GtkRadiant-1.5/trem.game/base/.
Wszystko sie zgadza
Common files
Because GtkRadiant does not natively support Tremulous, there are a number of necessary files missing. These files can be downloaded in a zip file here or here.
This zip file contains:
* entities.def: Entity definition file with all the tremulous specific entities.
* common-spog.pk3: Contains all the editor images for the common shaders.
* common.shader: All the common shaders, caulk, nonsolid, nodraw, etc.
* shaderlist.txt: Lists all the shaders to be loaded by the editor and q3map2.
Extract this archive to Tremulous/base/.
If everything is in the right place you should find common-spog.pk3 in Tremulous/base/. The rest of the files, entities.def', common.shader and shaderlist.txt, should be in Tremulous/base/scripts/.
OK wrzucilem te pliki do folderu z gra, tam gdzie trzeba.
I jak odpalam radianta to wyskakuje blad:
OCB ? Moze ktos napisac w pkt [ PL ] jak to zrobic ? Wysle skrzynke piwa