Challenge Quake 3 1.43


Challenge Quake 3 1.43

2008-08-26 10:55:39


ChallengeQ3 1.43 - plik, który jest zamiennikiem Quake3.exe, pozwala on ładować automatycznie mod CPMa oraz usuwa kilka błędów.

Lista zmian wprowadzonych przez CNQ3

  • fixed sfx0 using a real sound and thus "hiding" it
  • corrected sv_pure back to CVAR_ROM
  • added the correct "fastsky!=0 == disable portals" test, ffs me :P
  • removed long-obsoleted r_lastValidRenderer
  • removed long-obsoleted r_ext_gamma_control
  • removed pointless cl_forceavidemo
  • removed r_rail* and marked the never-used RT_BEAM etc as such
  • removed RAVENMD4 completely
  • r_fullbright is not a cheat var
  • fixed a bug with CVAR_CHEAT
  • fixed another bug in video (hopefully)
  • fixed distance culling on dlit patch seams
  • changed r_ext_max_anisotropy default to 16
  • added con_scale for console font scaling
    0 = Q3 style, always 8x12 pixels regardless of screen rez
    1 = Q4 style, scales with screen rez
    !0 = scale with screen rez and a custom multiplier
  • straightened out the con cvar mess:
    cl_noprint -> con_noprint
    scr_conspeed -> con_speed and correctly CVAR_ARCHIVE
    con_notifytime correctly CVAR_ARCHIVE
    removed cl_conXOffset since it basically doesn't work
  • sleep correctly if an unfocused client (win32-only)
    don't sleep INcorrectly if a dedicated server (win32-only)
  • fixed a (huge) memory leak in the vm
  • fixed sv_pure 1 problems on listen servers
  • another overhaul of the sound code:
  • spatialisation is now correct, which has two huge impacts:
    you can "place" sounds MUCH more accurately than before,
    but as a result, distant sounds are MUCH quieter
  • removed s_doppler, it's almost right but it just sounds like shit
  • most of the s_mixprestep hackery has been removed, and you can
    probably set it to 0 if your sound drivers work properly
  • OAL support has been dropped completely and indefinitely
    it's crap and i'm tired of it poisoning the codebase


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