Night - I enjoy winning badly


Night - I enjoy winning badly

I think most of players know you already but please tell us what are you doing in real life beside playing ET?
I am trying to finish high school this year and score as high as possible on every exam. After that it should be the time to pick a university to go to next year. On the weekends I try to get out of the house as much as possible and spend some time with my friends. I used to play football for a long time(10 years), so I'm into many different sports.

What about your friends. Do they know what you’re doing? Are they jealous?
Of course they know what I'm doing, at least most of them do. I doubt that they are jealous, because they don't enjoy gaming that much, maybe only the traveling for free part. Neither do they judge me for doing what I like, they respect me as who I am.

So far you’ve earned a lot money by playing ET. How do you spend this prizes?
A small percentage of the winnings just disappear somewhere, mostly on the weekends for different kind of things :D. At the moment I am planning a vacation trip with my friends to Canary Islands with the money. I think it's a little smarter to waste it on something like that. I've already been to Spain and Greece with the money over the past year.

You’re playing ET for quite a long time. Why have you chosen ET and not for example CS?
To be honest, I had nothing else to pick than ET. I was playing RtCW, which I really enjoyed and then ET came out. In the beginning I didn't like it at all, I didn't wanna start playing the game. But after basically everyone called it a day in rtcw, I had no other choice, because I liked playing with my friends. So I started with ET, time passed, I started to enjoy the game very much and here I am now. Why not CS? I don't like “wait+shoot” games, where aim is basically everything. ET is a nice mix of many FPS games for me.

Most of players are thinking that you’re ET God and you can play every class. How do you achieved your playing level?
I believe there are many-many guys who can play all the classes, but a few who can play every class perfectly. I am not saying that I do everything perfectly, not at all, I know that I suck playing medic for example. But I think that achieving a high multiclasser level comes with time. The more experience you got, the better you can control the game as whatever class.

Vaiko himself.

Together with you’ve won practically everything. Why you’re still playing this game. What is keeping you in this game?
There's always something more to win, for example the current EuroCup, upcoming lan events (SHGOpen, CPC2). Also, we enjoy playing together and have a lot of fun doing it :). People have gone and come, but usually atleast half of the team stays and that only inspires us to get new teammates and build a team to win once again. Teamspirit is the keyword.

What is making so strong all the time. Why you can beat opponents so easy. What is your secret?
I think our biggest plus is our experience and teamwork that comes with time. Most of the top teams nowadays are quite young compared to us or our core of the team, because we've had many major line-up changes as well over the past months. And one more thing, we're not beating our opponents "very easily". We give the best we can on important matches, all of it doesn't come without any serious attempts.

We had big discussion about new maps art Crossfire. What you are thinking about removing SD2 and other old maps from mappool?
I don't support having too many maps like adlernest, where none of the teams are favorites before the match starts. Supply is a great map and just making a decision on couple of our matches, where we played really well, is wrong. I also enjoy playing goldrush and radar from the old maps, I cannot say that I feel that confident on maps like frost and adler. Maybe it is time for a new excellent map in ET, but I haven't seen one like that yet. Not cathedral, not svarvadel, not dubrovnik, not anything.

Recently cheaters are big plague to ET scene. What is your point of view at this case and maybe you have some ideas how to kick cheaters from community?
Let them do whatever they want to as long as they don't play on any important cups or leagues. I don't get the point if buying a cheat, like why do you do it? :D Maybe it is fun for some people, hf to them.

Soon you’re going to shgOpen 2007. How do you think you will play? Are you prepared good enough? Will it be another LAN dominated by
I think that we have never been preparing worse than we're doing atm for that particular lan. We'll do everything we can to get back in our best shape in those next 2 weeks and the time will tell what happens at Shg, anything is possible, but of course I am hoping for the best.

senji and Night in hotel room.

Recently we have more and more LANs with ET. Do you think this progress will stay? Or maybe it’s last breath before ET will die?
I don't wanna sound too negative, but I'm guessing that we will not have that many big lans coming up. Though I have nothing against lans and meeting different people. So let's all hope for the best!

A few days ago you’ve easily beaten zP! In WB final. Does it means that no one can beat you at this time?
I sure wanna believe so, but every game is a new game and absolutely everyhing can happen. It depends a lot on the maps and how well we're prepared for the match. I don't like preparing for SHG and EC final at the same time, mostly because of the cathedral map, but I think it'll turn out as we expected and worked for.

ET:QW is going to be published in next months. A lot of ppl think that QW will be another Battlefield style game, and not good old ET. What are you thoughts about it? Will you give a try to this game?
I tried some version of it at the previous QuakeCon, and to be honest I didn't like it at all. Was too different from ET, but hey, it was the same with rtcw -> ET. So I got to say that the time will say again. Depends on what the rest of the community will do, what my teammates will do etc. But if I had to decide now either EQ:QW or quit gaming, I guess I'd have to pick quitting :(

Perhaps many players would like know on what PC their idol is playing. Are you placing much money to upgrade your PC?
Intel Pentium 4, 2800MHz, RAM 1024MB, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT , 1280x1024/32bit/75Hz
I don't upgrade it much and nor do I spend much money on it. It's totally fine for playing ET. The last thing I bought, related to PC, was a pack of Hyperglides in September.

At this time are you playing for fun or just for money?
Doubt I can say that I play for the money. I am not playing a game that will bring me a lot of money. So I got to say that I am playing for fun and I enjoy winning badly =D. It's just nice to earn some pocket money from some tournaments time after time, but that's all.

How atmosphere in looks like? Are you arguing sometimes? Or maybe you’re living as peaceful family?
For most of the time, we're living kinda peacefully, of course there are some arguments sometimes, but that's all. We're having a lot of fun while playing, either by flaming someone on the ventrilo or just making fun of each other.

Do you have your favorite moment from ET career? Why this moment is your favorite?
I think that winning my first EuroCup was pretty huge and the panzer I shot on radar to get docs back and win some extra time. Also I enjoyed winning my first big lan, QuakeCon 2005, a lot. It was something different than just beating teams online. I think that those moments are priceless for me because I worked for those results for quite a long time and finally managed to succeed.

Night and ferus giving interview for TV.

NationsCup X is ending now. Why you as best Estonian player are not playing for your country?
It was fun playing Nations Cup for some seasons, but the previous season was everything but fun. I didn't enjoy playing with some of the guys at all, so I decided then already that it's the last NC for me. We also discussed it with idle guys that maybe it's smarter if we all skipped it, at least this season to prac some on our own. We weren't very active back then, that's why we needed a couple of more days a week to play. Having 6 people in a clan from 3 different nations is kinda hard, considering there are NC matches every week. It basically means 2-3 days a week our players are playing with their national teams.

How do you judge playing level of community in last months? Is level going down or maybe players are getting better?
Individual skills is growing very quickly. Sadly, I cannot say the same about the teams and teamwork. There are many aim-based teams in top of the ET scene, but I doubt they will ever make it as a number 1 clan. The overall level is pretty much staying the same, I can't say it's falling or growing. Maybe Parodia can change things once again :).

Thanks for this interview. Maybe you want to make some shotouts?
idle^sol: You better give a shoutout to both of us(sol&decem), otherwise you're a dic*.

Wstęp | Wywiad z Nightem - wer. polska | Interview with Night - English ver.


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