


eSports.pl: Hi Jibo, let us start in a traditional way and please introduce yourself to our readers.
Jibo: Ni Hao everybody! 8> My name is Fan Zhibo. I was born in 1986 and now I'm studying in Moscow. Originaly I come from China. My hobbies are sport and computer games. Also I love my cute girlfriend Meilan ... kisses! :>

Is it hard for you in Russia? I mean Asian people aren't used to such great ammounts of vodka. How do you handle this "problem"? :)
Yeah, vodka is a traditional Russian drink and life after it is much more easier :). In winter it keeps us warm but usually I dislike it.

When was the first time when you played a computer game? Was it an FPS game? Tell us something about your history with games. What was the main motivation for you to start with Quake? When did it happen and was Q3 the first game you really got into on a profesional basis? Did you start off all by yourself, or were you influenced by someone?
I think that the first time I played Q3 was in winter 2001. My friend Bin showed me the game for the first time and we played a couple of rounds on q3dm17 with default configs :D. A few years later, when I saw LeXeR's movie, and then Polosatiy's I was so impressed that I wanted to play like them, I wanted to get better and better and take part in various gaming events. So I trained hard and joined my first team, Red Devils. After a year or so [tmp]lord invited me to play with his team in TDM matches so I naturally agreed. [tmp] back then was a really good team with players like lord, cooller and apoc. They thought me so many tricks, they helped me with almost every aspect of the game, they gave me tips, showed me different tactics and they were the reason why I developed myself to a player like this. They really helped me to improve myself. ;>

Cyberfight project. When was the first time you came across c58 and why have you joined c58 and not i.e b100. ?
When I first started with Quake3 my main goal was to join the best team in Russia, c58. I've achieved it a year later when I moved to Moscow and got in touch with them. We became good friends so I joined their ranks :).

You have recently won ASUS Summer Cup 2004, there were many great players among the participants. What game was the hardest one, who was the most difficult player to beat and why? Are you satisfied with the organization and your prizes?
The hardest game was against Dept on pt4 (winners bracket final). He was leading with one frag, the time was 14:00, but I managed to kill him 6 sec before the end buzzer and then I took the game in a 3 min long sudden death.

What happened at QuakeCon2004? We all knew (well, most of us) that you were in a great shape before this event and to be honest many ppl believed that you would be top5. Nevertheless 9-12th is also great. How was the skill level on this event? Is it better then in Russia (for example ASUS Cups) or is it comparable?
The map choosing at QuakeCon was random and I think this was good. When I played FFSmasher on hub3aeroq3 I saw the map for the second time in my life, so naturaly I had no chance because FFSmasher played the map before in various CPM tournaments. The same situation was with Cooller, he lost against ZeRo4 and czm on this map too. The map rules at ASUS cups are better, every player can drop 2 maps and they will play on the last one. QuakeCon is the biggest international event and Asus Cup is still only a Russian event, but the average skill level in Russian events is higher than this we saw at QuakeCon.

What do you think about other games like UT2004, Doom3 or even Painkiller? Are you planning to switch platforms or will you stay with Quake3 to the end? :)
I play mostly for fun, Quake 3 is right now the best FPS game and I have great fun playing it. Switch?! Maybe when Quake 4 comes out ...

Many people had very high expectations concerning Doom3. Quite a lot seemed to be happy with the outcome. Do you think that the new ID child can become a multiplayer platform such as Quake3?
No way!

Bush or Kerry?
I hate them both! :|

Talking about bush, do you like Promode? What do you think about this modification? Can it be the next big multiplayer platform or are the golden times of CPM history?
I think that the CPM modification was created by QW fans - for QW fans. Personly I dislike it.

Lets get back to Quake. What maps do you prefer and why? Do you think that the newer maps like pro-q3tourney7 should be added to the tournaments? Also, one of the best (if not the best) duel map nowdays (imo) is ospdm8. How do feel when playing new maps? Horny? ;]
Yeah, it's a very good map, I like it a lot, but on the other hand hub3aeroq3 + FFSmasher = bullshit! ;>

TDM or DUEL? Why?
At this time I think that TDM is the one I prefer. It simply has more impressive moments and I simply enjoy it more.

Some people say that one of the best ways to become good in Quake3 is to watch demos from the best players. Ofcourse many ppl don't have the time for it. What are your thoughts on this subject? Any secret practice ways?
Just analyze yourself after practice games, or an event game. Watch demos from yourself, try to find your weak points and think about strategy. More mind work, less hand work! :D

Do you consider yourself as a proffesional gamer?
No, I don't think that I'm a programer ;)

How would you describe your playing style? Aggressive or more deffensive? Which one is more comfortable for you?
I usually play the first 10 minutes very aggressive, or at least I try to, after that I go into deffensive mode.

WCG. Since they droped Q3 out of their tournament will you start playing another game just to compete in WCG'04/05 ?
As I mentioned before I play for fun. I don't care about WCG, and others should do the same. Simply play for fun :)

Do you know Kung-fu or smth like this? :)
Taekwondo ;]

Do you see yourself as a proffesional gamer in the future or will you go the more "normal" way?
No, only a few coutries in the world have good perspectives in pro-gaming. Sweden, Korea or some european coutries have much better chances to become a pro-gaming nations.

Short question, short answer.

..:: USA or Russia?

..:: Russia or China?

..:: Rocket Launcher or Railgun?
Rocket Launcher

..:: Blonds or Brunetts?

..:: BMW or Mercedes?

..:: Porshe or Ferrari?

..:: Nokia or Siemens?

..:: TV or Internet?

..:: Porn or Quake movies?

..:: TL 10 or TL 15?
TL 15

..:: Pro-q3dm6 or Ztn3t1?

This last question is special, because my father (he plays q3 sometimes) wants to know this: if you would be the team captain at ESWC 2004 what players would play for Russia? (good question paps ;)
I would choose Cooller, Dept and Evil.

This is the part when I thank for your time and you can say Hi to everyone ;)
jibo says: Hello Alana, blokey, carnage, czm, elpaujo, fox, gopher, Kyle, redemz, socrates, toxic, tech, lexer...
and all earth citizens!!! ~_~ V


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