English version


English version

Ok, lets start with the usual stuff, introduce u're selves, tell somtehing about u and so on...
[qpo]seka: I'm erik. 24 years old, live in Stockholm, anyhow
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Oki i am Lukas Hjalmarsson aka [qpo]Boy_Scout 26 years old and I live in Stockholm

Now tell something about the clan history etc
[qpo]Boy_Scout: QPO is a quite old clan from the early days of q2, dunno how long that is but 7 years or so maybe. Plz fill me in seka.
[qpo]seka: Um, well after switching from q2 to q3 qpo was joined by me and senti, just before Eurocup 4, which we proceeded to win the bronze in. After that.. well.. we participated in a few compos. won some lost some. Then prozac and tech joined up from pimps and a few month later we won the world championships in france ;)


And maybe you could tell why u switched to ut2k3?
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Yea sure, we owned in ut2k3:)

Oh, this was the reason?
[qpo]seka: Yeah basically
[qpo]Boy_Scout: But our connection at the nine cafe was broken under our first matches in eurocup, so there was no point in playing any more matchen there, which was kinda sad cuz in trainging matches the few we played we won over sk and various other clans.

So u decided to return to q3:a?
[qpo]seka : Not really we decided to NOT play ut2k3 and became very inactive. played some warcraft and other games just recently we thought it would be fun to try q3 again and so we joined up in EC
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Hehe yea, cuz the scene there is so small that you cant even call it a scene. That was the main reason to quit ut2k3.

Since u were inactive for quite a long time, how du u think u'll do in the EC?
[qpo]seka: Ehehehehe I have NO idea we havent pracced a single game for a loong long time, our teamplay is probably a bit.. err. broken
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Hehe yea, but we have some aim skillzor so hopfully the tp will come back after a few games.

And how will the lineup for the EC8 look like?
[qpo]seka: I guess hjalmarzka, boyscout, myself, tech and prozac + zth
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Those that will answer on mirc will play
[qpo]seka: Senti is in the military atm so he will prolly not play much.
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Haha so: prolly not zth or tech

Not bad at all:) Now again some usual stuff, what was the hardest match u ever happened to play? And the easiest one.
[qpo]seka: The hardest game... personally i think the game against IC in eurocup 4,that was the game when ppl started noticing us. Easiest was against IC on La7, they were very easy gibbed there...:)
[qpo]Boy_Scout:Haha yea, winners final, damn they were easy

Nice, now maybe something about what u do besides sitting in front o ure computers and playin q3?;p
[qpo]seka: I spend most of my time licking my girlfriends toes and beat bojjen in poke, thats about it. =)
[qpo]Boy_Scout :Haha yea rite

Oh, and I forgot to ask, how in ure opinion u will do in the first EC game against tuLLs?
[qpo]seka: We play tulls? Ahah, didnt know. They are german right?
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Haha spagetti eaters
[qpo]seka: Italian?
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Spagehttis is good, I prefer red whine to it.
[qpo]seka: Ok. we will be forced to play on bad server and get owned, that usually happens when clanbase makes the decisions, they dont like us

And why is that?
[qpo]seka: Since we are low pingers in sweden, and have good connections, we usually get punished a bit just for having good conns :). The whole "even ping" clanbase philosophy is a bit.. broken
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Yea but that will not be a prob now cuz we all play from home with sucky connecs

9 is not sponsorring u anymore?
[qpo]seka: No we got kicked out for being inactive, but we still like them:)

Oh, thats sad
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Nah not so sad, cuz when you dont play a game and pracc you dont need a sponsor.

And what do u think about the q3 scene as it is right now?
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Its bigger then the ut2k3 :P and a tiny ant to cs, tho in sweden there are alot of good players. Started yo play some q3 a few days ago and have played some picups and the skill lvl is nice.

Like Z4muz, fox or proZaC?
[qpo]seka: Hey, stop focusing so much on 1on1 players =)

Fox is also a TDM teh ownat0r;d
[qpo]seka: Tsss go away, plz =)

ok, ok i have a last question:)
[qpo]seka: Shoot

I heard some rumours on the net that proZaC is gay, especially after that "hit me baby one more time"@ESWC;p how would u comment on that?
[qpo]seka: well...
[qpo]Boy_Scout: yea
[qpo]seka: It depends, he is usually straight, but after a few joints things goes to hell, its a bitch trying to get him to stop humping at your leg

Ok, i dont want to know more.....:)
[qpo]Boy_Scout: and for the other homos out here i think we have some pics when prozac is nude in the shower on our homepage

Coool, url????
[qpo]Boy_Scout: www.qpo.nu
[qpo]seka: Our homepage is seriously broken thought, im too lazy to fix it
[qpo]Boy_Scout: Fix it now you lazy cunt seka!

Thanks for a very nice talk:) and visit www.eSports.pl


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