[CB]Kat Interviewed !


[CB]Kat Interviewed !

Tell me about your achievements.
I only really play for fun, im the leader of the q3 squad of an all girls clan, and we play tdm/ctf, but we're only really in ladders on clanbase, and i play q3ctf with a different clan, l2i so i dont really have any achievements as such. I came third in the 'miss-q' tournament which was an all girls tounament :)

Please tell me names of girls, and something about clan were u are the leader.
Well, there's about 30 girls in the clan, but in the q3 section we have myself, NiKitA, Tiny, Becky, Buggahb00, fragg1le and Finn. I only know them from online, but we voice test everyone in the clan, and use voice comms. The clan is called PmS - Pre menstrual syndrome , they were founded in Febuary 2001, by Lilly, and we play sof2/cs/UTinsta/UTctf/q3.

How long are you playing Quake 3 and when you have joined iron fist? In what clans you were before?
Ive been playing q3 for about a year and a half, and im not really in ironfist as such, im just on the members list because it's my bf's clan.

What is your boyfriend's nick than and are you his fan?
His nick is Anarchy, and of course im his fan ;)

How often you are playing games/quake3?
I have leagues matches with my ctf clan every week, and have a practice a couple of times a week with them, and play tdm every week or so with my tdm clan. And apart from that i play q3pickup a couple of times a week and thats about it.

What was the greatest/the worst moment in your gaming career?
Well, as i said, i'm not really a 'dedicated gamer' as a lot of the other supervisors were/are, and dont play in a top clan, so i've had no best / worst moments which stand out much, i've just enjoyed playing in a few different clans, and enjoyed adminning/supervising in clanbase.

How do you get Supervisor job in Clanbase, and how much work it cost you?
Well, i started off last year adminning the q3ctf nationscup, and then the q3dm eurocup, and whilst adminning the eurocup, i saw they were searching for a q3dm nationscup supervisor, so i offered to do it, so im now just part of the clanbase crew, and supervise where needed. It takes up quite a bit of my time doing a cup, and can take quite a bit of time doing other clanbase related stuff.

What do you think about upcoming Eurocup ? Iron fist gonna win it?
Assuming there is a EuroCup (as they've not been decided yet), i think it will be an extremely good one, with a lot of good clans, and a lot of old clans coming back for it. And with regards to Iron winning it, i havent got a clue, but id like to see them win it .

Is it easy to be Quake 3 Female player?
It's no different from being a male q3 player i guess, you get some guys which seem to be amazed that girls play q3, but they get over it quickly enough so doesnt really effect me.

What you think about playing a games for the money?
Well, if you're good enough then it's great, but i wouldn't do that and only that.

What kind of work do you have or what do you study?
I work in a supermarket a couple of days a week and im in college studying art and design.

Working and studying at the same time must be horrible.
Nah, i choose to do it, works not bad at all.

What's your plans for the future? Maybe fameous fashion designer ? :)
Hehe. I havent got a clue at the moment, im very indecisive

What you would like say to your fans ?
Hehe, i have no fans!

No !! It can't be! I am your fan ;] Than what you would like say to me ;P
Hehe. Thx for the interview ? :D

No problem, thx too.


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