An interview with Darky


An interview with Darky

Firstly, introduce yourself.
Well, my name is Ramin Tahbaz, i am studying law and economics in Vienna, Austria. I am 24 years old and e-sports is one of my hobbies.

Can you tell us something about your history in e-gaming?
Sure. I started online gaming in 1996/97, played quake-world fortress, a classic :) - Short after I started playing online I formed the austrian multigaming clan plan-b with a good friend of mine. We played qwtf, moved over to q3f and to rtcw. Now I play ET, let's see what's next.

What is your computer configuration?
I got a p4 2.66, 512 mb ram and a gf4200 Ti.

Mouse is a very important component of e-player. Which do u prefer?
I play with an Microsoft Intellipoint optical, since ages, I like it. Allthough I really think mices and pads are overrated by far.

How much do you play?
Nowadays not much, usually we play like 3-4 praccs a weak. Sometimes a bit public too, but really rare these days. Tehre were times were I played alot more though.

Recently, you play in saevus, one of the best clans in the world. How are you getting up with each other?
We are getting along pretty good with each other. There are some duscussions or little battles, but thats just normal if you spend so much time playing together. Everyone has respect for each other, thats the most important thing imo.

What were the reasons of changing the name from e*star to saevus?
As some of my m8s mentioned in other interviews, we started together as saevus, and now that we don't know how we will continue after this Eurocup we wanted to go back to the roots, maybe win the Cup under our old name. Also, we didnt really have any advantadge in becoming e-star, but it was worth a try.

In WL you have lost with gunslingers. Why? What do you think of them?
We lost due to a lack of pracc and too much interest in other games. Allthoug gunslingers came up with a good performance. Sad to see them go, but It doesnt gome as a surprise at all. Greets to gs btw :)

In EC you are the almost sure favourite for final. Who do you expect to be there?
I think we will meet 141, if we should win our semifinal.

Do you ever thought of changing the caln? Which one would it be?
Well, I never thought about it seriously. There isn't any team out there that could make me leave ^^

In the last atlantic battle match, Europe have beaten North America. What do u think of USA team?
It was the 3rd AB I've seen so far. And we saw the best NA team they ever were able to bring up. But It wasn't enough to beat our europeans, and I don't think this will ever happen.

How were you geeting on on Teamspeak/Ventrillo?
Just fine, the players know each other pretty well, and all of them were used to talk english on comms, so it was just fine.

Were there many problems with cooperation?
Not at all.

Now I would like to ask you about your opinion about polish clans. What do you think are best?
Hard to day to be honest. I didn't hear or see much l8ly from polish clans, allthough I know there are some really well playing guys. I still remember games versus Ircon Cross, FF and the storks. I couldnt tell which polish clan is the strongest atm.

In NC last year there was a conflict between Polish and Austrian team. I think both sides prefer it not to happen this year. But do u think it can happen again?
I doubt that it will happen again tbh. But as you know, sometimes there are just some hot discussions about servers etc., we see that all the time, it has nothing to do with Poland or Austria I guess :)

What NC teams will advance to the next phases?
My personal opinion on group winners is : Estonia, Austria, Poland, Germany, Finland and Sweden. But noone can be sure these days.

Do u want to greet somebody?
Greets to the polish guys out there, to the weekendmix guys, my saevus m8s and christa.


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